What is Contra Dancing?
Is it legal in Provo?
Do you remember having to do square dancing back in grade school?
Have you seen square dancers at the county fair?
Contra dancing is every good thing that you have heard about square
dancing, with none of the bad things. We dance in longways sets
like a Virginia Reel, but everybody gets to dance instead of just
having one active couple. We dance to live music, teach all of
the dances, and welcome newcomers. You can walk in off the street
knowing nothing about contra dancing and still have a great time.
If it's outlawed in Provo, it must be fun!
Local Dances
February, 2025
8 Contra, Midway
?? Country Dancing Tonight, Murray
?? Country Dancing Tonight, Murray
15 Wasatch Contra, Salt Lake City, with Brenda Goodwin calling
22 Contra, Salt Lake City
March, 2025
8 Contra, Midway
?? Country Dancing Tonight, Murray
?? Country Dancing Tonight, Murray
15 Wasatch Contra, Salt Lake City, with Mike Cottle calling
22 Contra, Salt Lake City
April, 2025
?? Country Dancing Tonight, Murray
?? Country Dancing Tonight, Murray
19 Wasatch Contra, Salt Lake City, with Brenda Goodwin calling
26 Contra, Salt Lake City
30 Contra, Midway
May, 2025
10 Contra, Midway
?? Country Dancing Tonight, Murray
17 Wasatch Contra, Salt Lake City, with Brenda Goodwin calling
?? Country Dancing Tonight, Murray
24 Contra, Salt Lake City
Special Events
Lava Meltdown 2025
Lava Meltdown Contra Dance Weekend, February 28 - March 2, 2025
See website
Lava Meltdown 2025 for details.
Dance Locations and Times
- Contra Dance, Salt Lake City, UT
- First Unitarian Church, 569 South 1300 East
- Music by Loose Shoes
- Chief caller: Brenda Goodwin (usually open mic)
- Usually fourth Saturday of the month, September through May.
- Beginner Classes 7:30 PM, Dancing 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
- Cost $5.00
- Contact: Richard Ebling 801-856-6209
- rebling329@gmail.com
Wasatch Contras, Salt Lake City, UT
- Garbett Center at the intersection of 200 West and Wall Street,
Salt Lake City
- Possibly also known as "The Old North Church" at 700 N 200 W in Salt Lake City
- Park on 2nd West (east side only), Wall Street, or 7th North
- Music by a variety of bands
- Calling by various callers
- Usually third Saturday of the month
- Beginner Workshop 7:00 PM, Dancing 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM
- Cost $10 General Admission, $8 (financial hardship), $5 Youth (7-15)
- Contact: Brenda 801-232-2348
- info@wasatchcontras.org
Midway Community Center Contra
- 160 W Main Street, Midway, UT
- Music by Doxatunes (live)
- Calling by Carrie Dayton-Madsen
- 5-6pm Kid's Community Dance
- Ages 3-12yrs, all kids must be accompanied by an adult
- Babes in arms can be worn in a sling
- $5 per person under 12yrs.
- 6-6:30pm Beginner's Workshop for 8yrs - Adult
- 6:30-9:30pm Contra Dance
- Ages 8yrs - Adult for Beginner's Workshop and Contra Dance.
- Babes in arms can be worn in a sling
- $7 for 12yrs.+ Non-dancers $5
- Contact: Carrie Dayton-Madsen 435-671-2674
- butterflycari@yahoo.com
- Country Dancing Tonight, Murray, UT
- English Country and Scottish Country (ceilidh)
- Dances led by caller Kim Deacon
- Live music for most dances
- Location: Little Cottonwood Chapel, 1160 E Vine Street, Murray, UT
- Schedule: every other Thursday evening, 7:30 pm to 9:00. (2024 sessions start January 11.)
- There is no charge to come and dance. COVID vaccination within past 12 months required.
- More information and dance dates found on our Facebook page (County Dancing Tonight).
- Contact: Kim Deacon
- countrydanceinslc@gmail.com
Contra Dance, Logan, UT
- Website currently shows 2021 Dance Schedule Currently on Hold
- Whittier Community Center, 290 North 400 East Logan
- Music by Leaping Lulu
- Chief caller: Kay Forsyth
- Usually first Saturday of the month.
- Dancing 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM
- Cost $7, $4 for children under 12
- Contact: Kay Forsyth 435-232-2966
- forsythkay@gmail.com
- Contra Dance, Rockport, UT
- Rockport Old Church, Wanship, UT
- Music by Loose Shoes and the Rockport Dam Band
- Calling by Rob Snow
- Held twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall
(2019 dates: Saturday, May 4th and Saturday, October 12th)
- Beginner Workshop 7:30 PM, Dancing 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
- Cost $5.00, Proceeds benefit Friends of Rockport Old Church
- Contact Dani
or Sharon for more information
- Awesome wood floor in a beautifully restored historic building. All
dances taught; no partner or experience needed. Located in the Old Church
area of Rockport State Park (below the dam), exit 155 off I-80, Wanship,
Utah. Sponsored by Friends of Rockport Old Church, Utah State Parks,
and Loose Shoes.
Download October flyer (PDF)
Contra Dance, Moab, UT
- Moab Arts and Recreation Center (the MARC), 111 E. 1st North, Moab
- Music by the Moab Community Dance Band
- Various callers, including our own
- Usually third Saturday of the month.
- Dancing 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM, instruction at 7:30 PM
- Cost: We are non-profit and the admission charge is a donation to a
worthy local charity of the month (such as the Food Bank, the Youth Garden
Project,the Humane Society, etc).
- Contact: Miriam Graham 516-376-8003
- mir.rangette@gmail.com
- Contra Dance, Pocatello, Idaho
- Assemble' Learning and Event Center (AKA Miss Tiffin's Dance Studio)
- 820 East Young, Pocatello, ID
- Music by a variety of bands
- Calling by various callers
- Usually second Saturday of the month, September through May.
- Instruction for Beginners starts at 7:00pm
- Dancing 7:30 PM - 10 PM
- Cost $10.00 per person, $25 per family
- Contacts: Luann Claussen and Don Allen
Dance Related Sites on the Web:
- Salt Lake Scandinavian Dancing
- Harp Irish Dance Company
- Wasatch Tango Club
- Salt Lake International Folk Dancers
- Idlewild Recordings
- Boise Contra Dance Society
- Colorado Contra
- Locations and Schedules for Colorado dances
- New Mexico Folk Music & Dance Society
- Country Dance and Song Society
- National Grange
- Seattle Folkdancing
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